This is part 2 of 2, enjoy! 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:30 Shot 11: Spider observing a…
The Avatar and Na'vi Podcast
We’re back! Happy new year! This episode’s topics: 00:00:00 start 00:02:36 episode start 00:02:55 first…
This episode’s topics: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:14 Welcomes 00:01:24 Avatar: The Next Shadow Issue #3 00:16:40…
In this episode, we discuss the second installment of The Next Shadow, marvel at the…
This episode’s topics: 00:00:34 Sequels delayed yet again 00:24:35 Kelutral.org 00:26:12 Na’vi conversation practice, today’s…