Preparation Sheet and Interview Questions

We’d like to do a small interview segment with you for the episode you’ll be featured in. For this some preparation is required, so things will go as smoothly as possible during recording. Please make sure to read this text thoroughly.

Some things are required of you for you to be able to participate in the first place. Things you’ll need are:

  • A working microphone, which is set up accordingly to work error-free with your computer and Discord
  • Discord app and access to our Discord Server (you’ll be invited before recording)
  • Being able to attend the recording session, no matter your own Timezone (time and date of the session will be given to you in due time, of course)
    Alternative: a pre-recorded session at a time of day when you’d be able to attend
  • Having read the interview questions (see below) and at least somewhat prepared answers for them
  • You need to be able to understand English on an advanced conversational level and being able to speak it on at least an intermediate level since the Podcast’s main language is English.
  • Bonus: Audacity or a similar program to record your own voice during the recording session (record/export @ 44100Hz, mp3,  170-210kbps)


If you experience any (technical) issues that need fixing, please let us know in a timely fashion so we’ll be able to assist you before the actual recording will take place. So if you need assistance, let us know in time!


Interview – Questions

Only some of them may be asked during the interview, but best prepare answers for all of them, just to be… you know, prepared, hrh. If there is a question you wouldn’t want to answer, please tell us beforehand, so we can leave it out.

Related to your person / the Na’vi community

  • Who are you? Tell us a bit about yourself. (name, home country, native language, hobbies, job, etc.)
  • Why have you become a member of the community?
  • What’s your favorite thing about the community?
  • Have you contributed any resources or other things to the community?
    If no, alternative: Tell us about your time in the community (communication, learning, friendships, etc.).

Related to the Na’vi language

  • What brought you to learn the Na’vi language?
  • How long have you been learning the Na’vi language?
  • What’s your favorite Na’vi word?
  • Rutxe, ‘uori peng ayoeru nìNa’vi nì’it ko. (“Please tell us something in Na’vi” – if you can / want to)

Related to Avatar

  • In what ways has Avatar changed your life?
  • What is the funniest, weirdest, or most embarrassing Na’vi or Avatar related thing that has happened to you?
  • What does the future of Na’vi / Avatar look like to you?
  • If you could ask Frommer or Cameron a movie or language-related question what would it be?


That’s basically all :) If you’ve got any questions, technical issues, or concerns, please contact the Podcast staff via Discord (Txawey, Wllìm, EanaUnil) or via

Kìyevame ulte etrìpa syayvi! Siva ko! ;)
See you soon, best of luck! Let’s do this! ;)